
API is one of North America's leading gaming consulting firms specializing in regulatory and facility development, business due diligence, security and protection services, systems and design, internal controls an start-up consulting to the gaming industry. We also have significant expertise in acquisition due diligence to assist our gaming clients in opportunity evaluations.

API is uniquely qualified to provide the customized gaming consulting services you require.

Our experienced consulting staff consists of former gaming regulators, law enforcement professionals including former FBI agents, legal professionals, accountants, professors, gaming management professionals, computer technologists, human resource specialists and other highly skilled professionals. We have the necessary resources to assist you with all of your gaming regulatory, management, law enforcement and security needs.

They picked someone with plenty of experience... They hired API.

- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

API is widely recognized for its quality services. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel published when a Wisconsin tribe needed an investigative firm to "dig into the background" of a potential gaming manager, "They picked someone with plenty of experience... They hired API." When a chairwoman of one Native American tribe testified before a US Senate committee she stated that API's consulting assistance was "more valuable than state and federal assistance" in achieving self-regulation of their gaming operation.

Whether it's meeting the rigorous requirements of a competent gaming regulatory background investigation, where the security of a multi-million dollar enterprise and reputation of its owners and investors are at stake, or providing resources in a start-up or expansion, API has the experience and qualifications you need.